Monday, November 30, 2009
Crashed Micro lect and planning to skip pub speak lect this week. So it meant that I'll end at 1pm on Monday, which meant more time for studying! YAYNESS (:
Now that GeogTravelTM test is down, I'm left with,
Tuesday: Sociology test
Wednesday: Pub Speak Special Occasion Speech
Thursday: Excel Online Test
Friday: Submission for Comm Sk Job Search Documents
Following by will be mid-sem test. Micro on 7 Dec and OB on 9 Dec.
Ok I'm counting down to deleting the stuffs up there. Planning to finish up Comm Sk Job Search Documents by tomorrow, or latest Wednesday so at least I can submit latest by Thursday so I won't have to go school on Friday! (:
Ok I think I shall sleep now, right after this post or else I'll definitely doze off during Socio test tomorrow. Good Night All! (:
Racer: No enjoy. But did sleep well for the first two days though. LOL.
And to you who is still doing projects, turn in early and have a good rest alright! (:
Thanks for the peck just now, it was really sweet <3
,MELODY @ 11:57 PM
Now that GeogTravelTM test is down, I'm left with,
Tuesday: Sociology test
Wednesday: Pub Speak Special Occasion Speech
Thursday: Excel Online Test
Friday: Submission for Comm Sk Job Search Documents
Following by will be mid-sem test. Micro on 7 Dec and OB on 9 Dec.
Ok I'm counting down to deleting the stuffs up there. Planning to finish up Comm Sk Job Search Documents by tomorrow, or latest Wednesday so at least I can submit latest by Thursday so I won't have to go school on Friday! (:
Ok I think I shall sleep now, right after this post or else I'll definitely doze off during Socio test tomorrow. Good Night All! (:
Racer: No enjoy. But did sleep well for the first two days though. LOL.
And to you who is still doing projects, turn in early and have a good rest alright! (:
Thanks for the peck just now, it was really sweet <3
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wanted to blog last night but I was really too tired that I slept even without twitting (I think).
Coming to a week of not blogging. Reason being too tired, been bombarded with projects and stuff and of course the main reason is, laziness. Ok i'm guilty of it.
Next week will be worst, with so many tests coming. And I don't understand why people can still enjoy. Seriously.
Monday: GeogTravelTM test
Tuesday: Sociology test
Wednesday: Pub Speak Special Occasion Speech
Thursday: Excel Online Test
Friday: Submission for Comm Sk Job Search Documents
Following by will be mid-sem test. Micro on 7 Dec and OB on 9 Dec.
Kill me, seriously. Tell me how to survive with this great week to look forward to. Seriously too stressed up, and pimples are popping out ):
Ok but I know I will survive. Main aim this coming week is to have enough sleep. Yes I will (I hope).
Anyway I think my mum is damn pro! Ok this i super random and out of place for this post but I promised that I'll blog about her. She called up sony and somehow argued with them that there shouldn't be a need for me to wait a month for the speaker problem. That was on Wed. And they called me this morning saying my phone is ready for collection. LOL hahahah damn funny when I told my mum that. Her reaction was superb man! And now I seriously think I should start to learn the way she talk cause you'll never be able to win her in an argument. Ok of course unless you're a super good speaker. LOL.
Ok BBQ tomorrow at Jasper's place after collecting my phone. And Meli is flying to Taiwan on Sunday morning. Ahhh I wanna go Taiwan tooooooo~ Yes I'm super jealous of her.
Racer: Cannot la! Cannot heck chores.
WeiFeng: Yupyup have been busy. Been so long since I talk to you toooo! Miss you.
Jasper: Hahahah I am and have been a good girl. I'll take care, you too alright! (:
Thanks my dear for always being there. I seriously enjoyed that night with you, and of course the upcoming times that we will spend together.
Loved it when we watched the stars last night, and I really look forward to watch sun rise and stars in the future with you.
And I just loved it when we're together.
I miss you, I really do.
,MELODY @ 7:26 PM
Coming to a week of not blogging. Reason being too tired, been bombarded with projects and stuff and of course the main reason is, laziness. Ok i'm guilty of it.
Next week will be worst, with so many tests coming. And I don't understand why people can still enjoy. Seriously.
Monday: GeogTravelTM test
Tuesday: Sociology test
Wednesday: Pub Speak Special Occasion Speech
Thursday: Excel Online Test
Friday: Submission for Comm Sk Job Search Documents
Following by will be mid-sem test. Micro on 7 Dec and OB on 9 Dec.
Kill me, seriously. Tell me how to survive with this great week to look forward to. Seriously too stressed up, and pimples are popping out ):
Ok but I know I will survive. Main aim this coming week is to have enough sleep. Yes I will (I hope).
Anyway I think my mum is damn pro! Ok this i super random and out of place for this post but I promised that I'll blog about her. She called up sony and somehow argued with them that there shouldn't be a need for me to wait a month for the speaker problem. That was on Wed. And they called me this morning saying my phone is ready for collection. LOL hahahah damn funny when I told my mum that. Her reaction was superb man! And now I seriously think I should start to learn the way she talk cause you'll never be able to win her in an argument. Ok of course unless you're a super good speaker. LOL.
Ok BBQ tomorrow at Jasper's place after collecting my phone. And Meli is flying to Taiwan on Sunday morning. Ahhh I wanna go Taiwan tooooooo~ Yes I'm super jealous of her.
Racer: Cannot la! Cannot heck chores.
WeiFeng: Yupyup have been busy. Been so long since I talk to you toooo! Miss you.
Jasper: Hahahah I am and have been a good girl. I'll take care, you too alright! (:
Thanks my dear for always being there. I seriously enjoyed that night with you, and of course the upcoming times that we will spend together.
Loved it when we watched the stars last night, and I really look forward to watch sun rise and stars in the future with you.
And I just loved it when we're together.
I miss you, I really do.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
RFH this morning. Imagine waking up at 4plus AM and no noon naps and you slept at 2plus AM the day before. Unless you take a 10min sleep on bus ride back home as a noon nap, LOL. Lunched at hougang and did chores till night. Thats my life for today, its that bad.
Ok I've decided to sleep earlier, my skin condition is geting from bad to worse already!
I think I injure my left shoulder, like seriously. Been hurting since two days ago ):
And I've decided to get an alarm clock, like seriously. No doubt about that. I really can't afford to oversleep like last week.
Anyway I've not got any replies on sony eric phone. Aw, no one has it? ):
Wanted to crash OB so that I won't have to go tomorrow but there isn't any slots for me to crash. Ahhhh, shall be good and go to sch tomorrow then.
Alan: But the thing is I have no will for that.
Racer: DUH! Intervals for 163 may be 20minutes at times and I need 3 buses to school, what do you think? And, for my case is, I may not even wake up if someone's shouting in my ear. Thats how bad.
A New Start.
Thanks dear, for letting me sleep on you just now and everything.
Please take care and get well soon alright! I love you too <3
,MELODY @ 10:41 PM
Ok I've decided to sleep earlier, my skin condition is geting from bad to worse already!
I think I injure my left shoulder, like seriously. Been hurting since two days ago ):
And I've decided to get an alarm clock, like seriously. No doubt about that. I really can't afford to oversleep like last week.
Anyway I've not got any replies on sony eric phone. Aw, no one has it? ):
Wanted to crash OB so that I won't have to go tomorrow but there isn't any slots for me to crash. Ahhhh, shall be good and go to sch tomorrow then.
Alan: But the thing is I have no will for that.
Racer: DUH! Intervals for 163 may be 20minutes at times and I need 3 buses to school, what do you think? And, for my case is, I may not even wake up if someone's shouting in my ear. Thats how bad.
A New Start.
Thanks dear, for letting me sleep on you just now and everything.
Please take care and get well soon alright! I love you too <3
Friday, November 20, 2009
Decided to blog now before the clock hits 12am, LOL I don't know why too. Hahahah.
Anyway, cooked lunch. YES, cooked. Mark that word, cause I'm seriously proud of it. Ok simple dishes but at least its been some time since I cooked. About 2 months already I think. Hahahah, unless you count cooking maggie noodles as cooking. Then its about one week luh! :P
Went to take pay with Joshua, the one when I worked for flyers. Almost a month already! But anyway, at least I've a lit of income now. Like YESYESYES! I'm super happy but I've promised myself to save up already. So no more unnecessary spendings!
Anyway I feel like finding a part time job, AGAIN. Cause I wanna buy netbook, plus some other things. So as to loosen my pocket a lit, so I have a lit more to spend. But, I'm afraid I won't have time for projects and stuffs. I'm losing my sleep just cause of projects already, can I cope with a part time job? Been thinking for few days, so frustrating! -.- Can't just money fall from the sky?
Alright shall end here but before I forget, I think I better go get one alarm clock tomorrow. Ok, spending money on alarm clock so I won't have the chance to oversleep, I hope.
Racer: Not because of sleeping late or early, it is hard for me to wake up no matter what time I sleep since I'm a deep sleeper.
Alan: CRAZY man! I'm mad if I go out at 7am when school starts at 9am -.-
Thanks dearie for all that you've done/said. Seriously, I can't help but to worry when you're not feeling well so please take care and recover asap alright. Similar to you, I miss you too <3
,MELODY @ 11:50 PM
Anyway, cooked lunch. YES, cooked. Mark that word, cause I'm seriously proud of it. Ok simple dishes but at least its been some time since I cooked. About 2 months already I think. Hahahah, unless you count cooking maggie noodles as cooking. Then its about one week luh! :P
Went to take pay with Joshua, the one when I worked for flyers. Almost a month already! But anyway, at least I've a lit of income now. Like YESYESYES! I'm super happy but I've promised myself to save up already. So no more unnecessary spendings!
Anyway I feel like finding a part time job, AGAIN. Cause I wanna buy netbook, plus some other things. So as to loosen my pocket a lit, so I have a lit more to spend. But, I'm afraid I won't have time for projects and stuffs. I'm losing my sleep just cause of projects already, can I cope with a part time job? Been thinking for few days, so frustrating! -.- Can't just money fall from the sky?
Alright shall end here but before I forget, I think I better go get one alarm clock tomorrow. Ok, spending money on alarm clock so I won't have the chance to oversleep, I hope.
Racer: Not because of sleeping late or early, it is hard for me to wake up no matter what time I sleep since I'm a deep sleeper.
Alan: CRAZY man! I'm mad if I go out at 7am when school starts at 9am -.-
Thanks dearie for all that you've done/said. Seriously, I can't help but to worry when you're not feeling well so please take care and recover asap alright. Similar to you, I miss you too <3
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I swear I'm going to blog this, because I CANNOT afford to oversleep again! Cause the feeling suck when you woke up at the time when you were supposed to leave the house.
Xueshen: LOL where got normal. You forgot to add ab in front of normal.
Clement: It is a summative test also! Didn't you read? It was written Business Correspondence Summative Test.
amandaSalvo: LOL -.- Hahahah.
,MELODY @ 11:29 PM
Xueshen: LOL where got normal. You forgot to add ab in front of normal.
Clement: It is a summative test also! Didn't you read? It was written Business Correspondence Summative Test.
amandaSalvo: LOL -.- Hahahah.
I'm freezing in the lab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ):
,MELODY @ 10:44 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wanted to post via lappy but I think I'm too lazy to turn on lappy since I'm using desktop now and its already 1043pm.
Did some studying for Comm Sk2 cause there is summative test on business correspondence tomorrow! Ahhhh I better have enough sleep tonight or else I'll sleep during the test again! I don't want history to repeat man! Ok for those who didn't know, I was dozing off during the very first Comm Sk1 test. Yes, really sleeping away till I didn't know what I was writing about in my expository essay.
Went Simei to send my pretty phone for servicing cause it went haywire. And the best thing was that my previous and the only useable spare phone went haywire last night too! Ahhh so got no choice but to borrow spare phone from Rui Bin. Thanks uh!
Went MHH to collect cab fare after class, ok not mine and headed back home. Doing stuffs till now and I'm super lazy to print stuffs so i think I'll just go lab tomorrow during break.
I think its time for me to spend time at home cause I've been going out everyday without fail for two weeks! Weekdays for school, working for APEC on Sat and had project field trip on Sunday. And there's Run For Hope this coming Sunday. Ok I hope my Sat is available cause I need time to do some studying, as well as to catch up with sleep!
Shall go off soon. Gastric ain't feeling well and I'm having pains in gastric and stomach and probably intestines since the past hour.
Xueshen: LOL hahahah, you asked funny questions the other day. Anyway nice talking to you!
Mark: Ohwell, I've got no comments.
Joshua: LOL, cute uh. Hahahah, update liao laaaaa.
Thanks for the warmth you gave me tonight,
I am really thankful to have met you. I miss you.
,MELODY @ 10:43 PM
Did some studying for Comm Sk2 cause there is summative test on business correspondence tomorrow! Ahhhh I better have enough sleep tonight or else I'll sleep during the test again! I don't want history to repeat man! Ok for those who didn't know, I was dozing off during the very first Comm Sk1 test. Yes, really sleeping away till I didn't know what I was writing about in my expository essay.
Went Simei to send my pretty phone for servicing cause it went haywire. And the best thing was that my previous and the only useable spare phone went haywire last night too! Ahhh so got no choice but to borrow spare phone from Rui Bin. Thanks uh!
Went MHH to collect cab fare after class, ok not mine and headed back home. Doing stuffs till now and I'm super lazy to print stuffs so i think I'll just go lab tomorrow during break.
I think its time for me to spend time at home cause I've been going out everyday without fail for two weeks! Weekdays for school, working for APEC on Sat and had project field trip on Sunday. And there's Run For Hope this coming Sunday. Ok I hope my Sat is available cause I need time to do some studying, as well as to catch up with sleep!
Shall go off soon. Gastric ain't feeling well and I'm having pains in gastric and stomach and probably intestines since the past hour.
Xueshen: LOL hahahah, you asked funny questions the other day. Anyway nice talking to you!
Mark: Ohwell, I've got no comments.
Joshua: LOL, cute uh. Hahahah, update liao laaaaa.
Thanks for the warmth you gave me tonight,
I am really thankful to have met you. I miss you.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Alright, here to do a proper post. Have been extremely busy the last few days, and that explains my random and short post last night :P
Went East Coast on Sunday and due to the fact that I don't know how to cycle, despite getting a double bike Alan still need to ride me around. Thanks Alan! (: &had steamboat for dinner and it was my first time having steamboat outside other than Seoul Garden.
Did projects/tutorials/pub speak speech preparation on Monday night. From 8pm till 1am plus! And thats like non-stop, not even a toilet break.
Tuesday was a little slack cause I just had to do my own stuffs, not projects though (if I didn't remember wrongly laaaa).
Skipped Pub Speak lect and went Compass after Micro lect today. Bought stuffs for CCN and finally everything's done. Ok at the very least things which we are suppose to buy are bought. And left I'm left with cutting of bread and cooking of hotdogs on Friday.
Done with Micro tutorial in the library while waiting just now. I think I should do this every week, cause I can finish one tutorial in advance! Instead of keeping it till weekends, (:
I'm super broke! Not because I bought stuffs but cause I paid using nets for CCN stuffs. Now I'm broke. Ok meanwhile I can save my money since I'll be getting it back (:
And if I'm still not having enough rest, call me Sleepywoman instead of Superwoman. I'm serious.
Mark: LOL
Alan: Hahahah, I know you do righttt! LOL.
Felt secure when you held on to me, seriously. Yet,
你是否高估了我?I seriously think you do.
,MELODY @ 11:27 PM
Went East Coast on Sunday and due to the fact that I don't know how to cycle, despite getting a double bike Alan still need to ride me around. Thanks Alan! (: &had steamboat for dinner and it was my first time having steamboat outside other than Seoul Garden.
Did projects/tutorials/pub speak speech preparation on Monday night. From 8pm till 1am plus! And thats like non-stop, not even a toilet break.
Tuesday was a little slack cause I just had to do my own stuffs, not projects though (if I didn't remember wrongly laaaa).
Skipped Pub Speak lect and went Compass after Micro lect today. Bought stuffs for CCN and finally everything's done. Ok at the very least things which we are suppose to buy are bought. And left I'm left with cutting of bread and cooking of hotdogs on Friday.
Done with Micro tutorial in the library while waiting just now. I think I should do this every week, cause I can finish one tutorial in advance! Instead of keeping it till weekends, (:
I'm super broke! Not because I bought stuffs but cause I paid using nets for CCN stuffs. Now I'm broke. Ok meanwhile I can save my money since I'll be getting it back (:
And if I'm still not having enough rest, call me Sleepywoman instead of Superwoman. I'm serious.
Mark: LOL
Alan: Hahahah, I know you do righttt! LOL.
Felt secure when you held on to me, seriously. Yet,
你是否高估了我?I seriously think you do.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I know you guys miss me!
So here's two group pictures (without Delvina cause she left early!).

Ok I think I've got to go on diet, seriously. I'm growing fatttttt.
Mark: I also never say anything.
Alan: Cannot eat liao, I'm growing fat! How can not go on diet.
,MELODY @ 11:19 PM
So here's two group pictures (without Delvina cause she left early!).

Ok I think I've got to go on diet, seriously. I'm growing fatttttt.
Mark: I also never say anything.
Alan: Cannot eat liao, I'm growing fat! How can not go on diet.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Just done with Comm Sk and stuffs, expect printing. But anyway, shall blog before doing tutorials.
Went IKEA for lunch with Andre, Clement, SiPei, Lingna, Alan, ChoonSze, Amanda. But they left and only Andre, Clement, Lingna and I walk around IKEA. Had lots of fun there, &Pictures are all uploaded on facebook. Went Giant with Andre and Lingna and headed back Compass. Walked around with Andre while waiting. Headed back Koufu for dinner, and Home Sweet Home (:
And something shocking was, I slept at almost 3am last night but manage to wake up at 945am. Like Wow! Ok the reason was because I had too many texts coming in and it seriously woke me up. Went to return books and Aunt got me a top plus socks (:
Did housework and followed by schoolwork. Now, I'm starting to feel sleepy cause I'm super bored. Aw, still got to go East Coast tomorrow for field trip. My bones breaking man!
&I seriously think I should go on diet, been eating too much alreadyyy ):
Xueshen: Nahhh, I don't wanna be fat.
Racer: Nahhh not all the time. I'm still alone at times too. Oh well, school's been busy like crazy. Projects came in on the first week.
Mark: LOL.
Nic: Stop it man! No one sees it and keep it to yourself. And I will never dump it, I'd rather dump you in the rubbish chute.
I wished yesterday didn't ended too,
and I dislike saying Bye to you, I miss you <3
,MELODY @ 7:47 PM
Went IKEA for lunch with Andre, Clement, SiPei, Lingna, Alan, ChoonSze, Amanda. But they left and only Andre, Clement, Lingna and I walk around IKEA. Had lots of fun there, &Pictures are all uploaded on facebook. Went Giant with Andre and Lingna and headed back Compass. Walked around with Andre while waiting. Headed back Koufu for dinner, and Home Sweet Home (:
And something shocking was, I slept at almost 3am last night but manage to wake up at 945am. Like Wow! Ok the reason was because I had too many texts coming in and it seriously woke me up. Went to return books and Aunt got me a top plus socks (:
Did housework and followed by schoolwork. Now, I'm starting to feel sleepy cause I'm super bored. Aw, still got to go East Coast tomorrow for field trip. My bones breaking man!
&I seriously think I should go on diet, been eating too much alreadyyy ):
Xueshen: Nahhh, I don't wanna be fat.
Racer: Nahhh not all the time. I'm still alone at times too. Oh well, school's been busy like crazy. Projects came in on the first week.
Mark: LOL.
Nic: Stop it man! No one sees it and keep it to yourself. And I will never dump it, I'd rather dump you in the rubbish chute.
I wished yesterday didn't ended too,
and I dislike saying Bye to you, I miss you <3
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wanna know what is the best thing to have during a boring lecture/tutorial?
It pulled me through during Micro today, at least.
Alright just sharing some tips on how to keeping yourself awake during a boring lesson. Might work for some, and the other way round. (:
Class was alright. Had 3 presentations today -.- Yes 3! But its short ones. Two during Public Speak - One for today's activity on purpose and the other was updates. And last one was during OB tutorial on the answers. LOL. Library also don't have so many can! At most two only. &I was like shivering during my updates presentation! Not cause I was so nervous that I shiver, but cause I was super cold -.-
Went Compass after class. Dinner at BK cause Mac was crowded and we couldn't get a seat. Aw, my monopoly! ): I want play leaaaaa. &who doesn't want the sticker? Give me! (:
I'm thinking of what I have to do right now. CCN day stuffs completed, Draft completed, Minutes printed, Email checked, Comments noted. Is there anymore? I doubt so knowww. Now my brain ain't working, I'm super sleepy :X
I think I should sleep soon. Since I can't think of anything else to do. Good night all! (:
Racer: Being alone for me is normal what isn't it? Oh well, the intervals for 163 is around 15-20minutes. Once I waited for almost 30minutes.
Alan: Have been eating it for 3days liaoooo.
Xueshen: Huh cannot laaaa. I know 能吃是福, but later I grow fat then dieeee :X
Mark: LOL why?
Lingna: Then I will have nothing to hug at night ):
Thanks for today; I miss you too <3
,MELODY @ 10:45 PM
It pulled me through during Micro today, at least.
Alright just sharing some tips on how to keeping yourself awake during a boring lesson. Might work for some, and the other way round. (:
Class was alright. Had 3 presentations today -.- Yes 3! But its short ones. Two during Public Speak - One for today's activity on purpose and the other was updates. And last one was during OB tutorial on the answers. LOL. Library also don't have so many can! At most two only. &I was like shivering during my updates presentation! Not cause I was so nervous that I shiver, but cause I was super cold -.-
Went Compass after class. Dinner at BK cause Mac was crowded and we couldn't get a seat. Aw, my monopoly! ): I want play leaaaaa. &who doesn't want the sticker? Give me! (:
I'm thinking of what I have to do right now. CCN day stuffs completed, Draft completed, Minutes printed, Email checked, Comments noted. Is there anymore? I doubt so knowww. Now my brain ain't working, I'm super sleepy :X
I think I should sleep soon. Since I can't think of anything else to do. Good night all! (:
Racer: Being alone for me is normal what isn't it? Oh well, the intervals for 163 is around 15-20minutes. Once I waited for almost 30minutes.
Alan: Have been eating it for 3days liaoooo.
Xueshen: Huh cannot laaaa. I know 能吃是福, but later I grow fat then dieeee :X
Mark: LOL why?
Lingna: Then I will have nothing to hug at night ):
Thanks for today; I miss you too <3
Monday, November 2, 2009
Hate it, Used to it, Can't live without it.
Ok thats something from Socio in fact, in a story. Um I find it so true though. Well towards some things uh.
Ok big things this time round, not totally though :P Someone snatched my phone today -.- Yea, someone. &also someone peeped at my fb. Two different person though, and I seriously hope that the two of them feel guilty. Hahahah, NOT. Alright forget it. Like I said, its just a matter of time, so yup (:
School was fine just that I was yawning non-stop. Not because lessons were boring but because I was seriously tired. Not been having enough sleep, ok but I'm still here blogging at this time because that is my "leisure" for now, at least.
Bused back and it was super crowded, got a sit though (: And I was freezing while waiting for 163. Seriously freezing! And I waited for almost 20minutes for it! Imagine a pathetic girl who is freezing and carrying books in hand sitting at the bus stop for 20minutes when she's starving (ok not really) and waiting to get home. I was that pathetic. Really dislike waiting for 163 -.-
I think there is a big problem with me! Been eating so much (ok its a lot to me) and sometimes I still feel like eating! How?!?! Am so gonna kill myself if I'm gonna gain weight! Ok shall cut down already, shouldn't eat too much (Like today!).
And I've been craving for Mac since 2 weeks ago! Been sick for the past 2weeks and now I'm recovering! I want Macccccccc~
Racer: Ohhh, cause she didn't teach everyone in Sec 2 unlike Sec 1. Take care too! (:
SiPei: Don't tell you :P Evil girl.
Mark: LOL.
Angeline: Alright my dear, no worries! (: Take care too, Miss you <3>
Nic: Fine -.- Hugging everyday how can it be sparkling clean. Wash for me luh. I don't bear to wash it lea, nothing to hug at night :P
,MELODY @ 11:42 PM
Ok thats something from Socio in fact, in a story. Um I find it so true though. Well towards some things uh.
Ok big things this time round, not totally though :P Someone snatched my phone today -.- Yea, someone. &also someone peeped at my fb. Two different person though, and I seriously hope that the two of them feel guilty. Hahahah, NOT. Alright forget it. Like I said, its just a matter of time, so yup (:
School was fine just that I was yawning non-stop. Not because lessons were boring but because I was seriously tired. Not been having enough sleep, ok but I'm still here blogging at this time because that is my "leisure" for now, at least.
Bused back and it was super crowded, got a sit though (: And I was freezing while waiting for 163. Seriously freezing! And I waited for almost 20minutes for it! Imagine a pathetic girl who is freezing and carrying books in hand sitting at the bus stop for 20minutes when she's starving (ok not really) and waiting to get home. I was that pathetic. Really dislike waiting for 163 -.-
I think there is a big problem with me! Been eating so much (ok its a lot to me) and sometimes I still feel like eating! How?!?! Am so gonna kill myself if I'm gonna gain weight! Ok shall cut down already, shouldn't eat too much (Like today!).
And I've been craving for Mac since 2 weeks ago! Been sick for the past 2weeks and now I'm recovering! I want Macccccccc~
Racer: Ohhh, cause she didn't teach everyone in Sec 2 unlike Sec 1. Take care too! (:
SiPei: Don't tell you :P Evil girl.
Mark: LOL.
Angeline: Alright my dear, no worries! (: Take care too, Miss you <3>
Nic: Fine -.- Hugging everyday how can it be sparkling clean. Wash for me luh. I don't bear to wash it lea, nothing to hug at night :P
Sunday, November 1, 2009
(: Got umbrella already! Thanks to whoever! :P
Ok nothing much to post in fact, so let pictures do the talking! Yesterday's pictures though, but still :D

Dango from Ajisen! YUMMY (:

Raspberry Milk, Super nice! (:
P.S. And the food @Northpoint (Food court though) looks delicious, shall go back there someday!

Bow-tie I got from Ms Toh (:

MELODY bookmark (:
got another one though, but wait till I've given her then I'll post (:

Serve as phone pouch though.

Pooh trying on my booties (:
Cute right!
Ok school tomorrow. And I'm still sick - mild cough& flu, with frequent headaches here and there. Ok will take care though so no worries. Too stress up; Hahahah, I don't know what I'm stress about. Ok I do, but not to say it out here. Some might know though.
&I seriously look forward to seeing you tomorrow <3
SiPei: What ai ai de dong xi?! I'm human can! ¬ dong xi. Well, you are evil. And that is why you got retribution! :P
Racer: Yup, kept in contact with her. Well, I think you last saw her in Sec 2 instead. She left after our Sec 2.
Alan: LOL thats to you only. Mine's Sengkang <3
,MELODY @ 11:24 PM
Ok nothing much to post in fact, so let pictures do the talking! Yesterday's pictures though, but still :D

Dango from Ajisen! YUMMY (:

Raspberry Milk, Super nice! (:
P.S. And the food @Northpoint (Food court though) looks delicious, shall go back there someday!

Bow-tie I got from Ms Toh (:

MELODY bookmark (:
got another one though, but wait till I've given her then I'll post (:

Serve as phone pouch though.

Pooh trying on my booties (:
Cute right!
Ok school tomorrow. And I'm still sick - mild cough& flu, with frequent headaches here and there. Ok will take care though so no worries. Too stress up; Hahahah, I don't know what I'm stress about. Ok I do, but not to say it out here. Some might know though.
&I seriously look forward to seeing you tomorrow <3
SiPei: What ai ai de dong xi?! I'm human can! ¬ dong xi. Well, you are evil. And that is why you got retribution! :P
Racer: Yup, kept in contact with her. Well, I think you last saw her in Sec 2 instead. She left after our Sec 2.
Alan: LOL thats to you only. Mine's Sengkang <3