Saturday, January 30, 2010
Showered Pooh, like finally (:
And now he is in a pathetic state -

But anyway, he'll be clean and nice smelling soon!
The week have been draining and stressful and I think my life have been shorten, again! Same thing kept repeating - projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations and finally projects presentations.
Had like 3 presentations at one go the past week, consecutive days somemore! And now I'm only left with one presentation, two submissions, three tests and one role play. Kill me, seriously. Which will then be exams.
Hope I'll survive till then!
Am sick again, down with a bad flu. Like always so nothing much in fact. Back ache, neck ache, wrist ache and headache is killing me right now. Please let nothing be my barrier in completing things man, I'll seriously die :S
Seems like I've lots of complain. But yea, lead my life and you'll know how bad it is. Despite there are good times though.
And spending CNY alone may not be bad thing though. At least I get some time off for myself - to do some packing up and chilling a lit before the examinations.
Alright should start doing stuff and some mugging, if my puny brain can take it. And I think I need motivation and encouragement to study. No confidence at all! )':
Should I take medication now to make myelf sleep early??
Alan: LOL. I didn't in the end!
Jasper: Its alright, (:
Mark: HAHAHAH, wait till next time la.
Lingna: You sure? You wanna be say someone's name out here?
WeeTing: LOL cannot la. CNY lea.
Nic: Not going Japan lo, too expensive la. Staying in Singapore instead. And thanks! (:
dearie thanks for your time yesterday and today. it was really great to see you. after all, its you who made me continue holding on, keep on going, and not giving up. don't shake your head, and don't say no. cause its the truth and i seriously thank you for that. i love you ♥
,MELODY @ 11:32 PM
And now he is in a pathetic state -
But anyway, he'll be clean and nice smelling soon!
The week have been draining and stressful and I think my life have been shorten, again! Same thing kept repeating - projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations projects presentations and finally projects presentations.
Had like 3 presentations at one go the past week, consecutive days somemore! And now I'm only left with one presentation, two submissions, three tests and one role play. Kill me, seriously. Which will then be exams.
Hope I'll survive till then!
Am sick again, down with a bad flu. Like always so nothing much in fact. Back ache, neck ache, wrist ache and headache is killing me right now. Please let nothing be my barrier in completing things man, I'll seriously die :S
Seems like I've lots of complain. But yea, lead my life and you'll know how bad it is. Despite there are good times though.
And spending CNY alone may not be bad thing though. At least I get some time off for myself - to do some packing up and chilling a lit before the examinations.
Alright should start doing stuff and some mugging, if my puny brain can take it. And I think I need motivation and encouragement to study. No confidence at all! )':
Should I take medication now to make myelf sleep early??
Alan: LOL. I didn't in the end!
Jasper: Its alright, (:
Mark: HAHAHAH, wait till next time la.
Lingna: You sure? You wanna be say someone's name out here?
WeeTing: LOL cannot la. CNY lea.
Nic: Not going Japan lo, too expensive la. Staying in Singapore instead. And thanks! (:
dearie thanks for your time yesterday and today. it was really great to see you. after all, its you who made me continue holding on, keep on going, and not giving up. don't shake your head, and don't say no. cause its the truth and i seriously thank you for that. i love you ♥
Monday, January 25, 2010
Taking a little time off to blog (:
Just did some stuff for J and now I've got to move on to micro and pub speak speeches, for tomorrow and wed respectively. But I've got this feeling that I'll just smoke through the presentation tomorrow cause I'm like in a darn lousy condition.
A very bad flu + Dry Throat + Shoulder aches + Back aches!
How to do well tomorrow?! Alright, I think I should think it this way. "If I can do well for Comm Sk Presentation last sem with high fever, why can't I do it this sem for micro tomorrow?"
Have told mum I won't be tagging along for Malacca trip during CNY, like finally I've told her despite decided some time ago. So yup, I'VE GOT TO SPEND CNY ALONEEEEE! )':
Alright, less than half an hour to the survey for the overseas trip, which I am gonna stay in Singapore. And I really feel like dying on my bed right this minute - I'm way tooooooooo tired! ):
Should I just smoke for tomorrow's micro presentation and sleep right after survey or should I do a lit preparation first? Ahhhhhhh!
Nic: Not going Japan liao. But I wanna go tooooooooo!
Mark: Sameeeeeeeeee!
dearie don't be guilty for asking me to help you with your project kay? i'm really glad that at least i could lend a helping hand, although i'm not sure if the information is good enough or sufficient. and just let me know if you need help alright. plus i'm seriously sorry for throwing tamtrum at you this morning so i promise i'll try to refrain myself from doing that k. and, now my only and greatest concern is for you to recover asap alright. so don't worry about me and please do all it takes to take good care of yourself. i love you ♥
,MELODY @ 11:30 PM
Just did some stuff for J and now I've got to move on to micro and pub speak speeches, for tomorrow and wed respectively. But I've got this feeling that I'll just smoke through the presentation tomorrow cause I'm like in a darn lousy condition.
A very bad flu + Dry Throat + Shoulder aches + Back aches!
How to do well tomorrow?! Alright, I think I should think it this way. "If I can do well for Comm Sk Presentation last sem with high fever, why can't I do it this sem for micro tomorrow?"
Have told mum I won't be tagging along for Malacca trip during CNY, like finally I've told her despite decided some time ago. So yup, I'VE GOT TO SPEND CNY ALONEEEEE! )':
Alright, less than half an hour to the survey for the overseas trip, which I am gonna stay in Singapore. And I really feel like dying on my bed right this minute - I'm way tooooooooo tired! ):
Should I just smoke for tomorrow's micro presentation and sleep right after survey or should I do a lit preparation first? Ahhhhhhh!
Nic: Not going Japan liao. But I wanna go tooooooooo!
Mark: Sameeeeeeeeee!
dearie don't be guilty for asking me to help you with your project kay? i'm really glad that at least i could lend a helping hand, although i'm not sure if the information is good enough or sufficient. and just let me know if you need help alright. plus i'm seriously sorry for throwing tamtrum at you this morning so i promise i'll try to refrain myself from doing that k. and, now my only and greatest concern is for you to recover asap alright. so don't worry about me and please do all it takes to take good care of yourself. i love you ♥
Friday, January 22, 2010
Back to blogging after missing for more than a week, been too busy already!
Went sch for this talk on a compulsory overseas trip in June. There is like three destinations for us to choose, mainly - Tokyo, Japan; Sabah, Malaysia; and Singapore. Seemed like a decision has been made, but at the same time, not.
Why does HTM costs so much? On top of the normal fees that we pay, there's still so many additional costs. A change in course? Or should I regret not going into JC?
Seriously I just feel like tearing and burning the booklet that was given to us today!
I don't feel like speaking after reaching home. At times, I wished I was mute. (no offence to anyone)
And I'm down with a very bad flu, once again -.-
Lingna: YA RIGHT.
dearie happy 2nd! today was great when i knew i was able to see you. cause, that is the greatest thing on earth. i love you ♥
,MELODY @ 10:30 PM
Went sch for this talk on a compulsory overseas trip in June. There is like three destinations for us to choose, mainly - Tokyo, Japan; Sabah, Malaysia; and Singapore. Seemed like a decision has been made, but at the same time, not.
Why does HTM costs so much? On top of the normal fees that we pay, there's still so many additional costs. A change in course? Or should I regret not going into JC?
Seriously I just feel like tearing and burning the booklet that was given to us today!
I don't feel like speaking after reaching home. At times, I wished I was mute. (no offence to anyone)
And I'm down with a very bad flu, once again -.-
Lingna: YA RIGHT.
dearie happy 2nd! today was great when i knew i was able to see you. cause, that is the greatest thing on earth. i love you ♥
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Bus back alone after class. Found a nice spot to sit other than where I usually sit (:
Blasted music as usual, but instead of the usual reading or playing with phone, I chose to stare out of the window, since there was something bugging in my mind. I realised that its quite nice of make use of the time on bus to think of things which are bugging you, instead of spending time to read. At least your eyes get a chance to relax. Which is good.
Many thoughts ran through my mind and seriously, I find the sudden lost of courage within myself. Which I don't know the reason behind it. Or rather, I should say, I know the reason, but I don't wanna face it. After all, it still boils down to courage.
And guess what's the best thing in a project? You only realised there is a short preview presentation on the day before!! Hahahah, that is the "BEST" thing it can happen on Earth! But anyway, smartie Mel contacted her leader directly and started on whatever that is in for tomorrow! Smart! (: Still, I need motivation. I should stop getting addicted to fb and all, especially youtube!
Alright been so long since I typed such a wordy post, I think (?). So yup gotta continue with my projects and stuff.
Mark: LOL, spammer for what sia?
Xueshen: Hahahah same! I ended up doing my proj and work and haven't iron them yet! ):
Nic: YALA! Thats what we're trying to do. Suan her like mad then wait till THAT HERO to rescue her. HAHAHAH.
dearie i know you've no motivation to do stuff now but don't worry kay. that is pretty normal, the important thing is, don't give up. as long as you don't give up, nothing will be the barrier for you to complete your stuffs kay. trust me, you'll do fine. and, to answer your question on msn, not that i don't want to share it with you but i don't know how to. i know you are in a bad mood today. the way your text messages are, and the way you talk, it shock me. i don't know how to react to what you say and that was the reason why i take such a long time to reply your texts at times. suddenly, i lost the courage in consulting you in everything, and every problem i met with. probably due to what has happened yesterday, i have been spending the whole day today thinking, i don't think i should tell you things which may make you give in to me, or rather, think for me. i just want you to be happy, thats all i wished for... i love you ♥
,MELODY @ 8:40 PM
Blasted music as usual, but instead of the usual reading or playing with phone, I chose to stare out of the window, since there was something bugging in my mind. I realised that its quite nice of make use of the time on bus to think of things which are bugging you, instead of spending time to read. At least your eyes get a chance to relax. Which is good.
Many thoughts ran through my mind and seriously, I find the sudden lost of courage within myself. Which I don't know the reason behind it. Or rather, I should say, I know the reason, but I don't wanna face it. After all, it still boils down to courage.
And guess what's the best thing in a project? You only realised there is a short preview presentation on the day before!! Hahahah, that is the "BEST" thing it can happen on Earth! But anyway, smartie Mel contacted her leader directly and started on whatever that is in for tomorrow! Smart! (: Still, I need motivation. I should stop getting addicted to fb and all, especially youtube!
Alright been so long since I typed such a wordy post, I think (?). So yup gotta continue with my projects and stuff.
Mark: LOL, spammer for what sia?
Xueshen: Hahahah same! I ended up doing my proj and work and haven't iron them yet! ):
Nic: YALA! Thats what we're trying to do. Suan her like mad then wait till THAT HERO to rescue her. HAHAHAH.
dearie i know you've no motivation to do stuff now but don't worry kay. that is pretty normal, the important thing is, don't give up. as long as you don't give up, nothing will be the barrier for you to complete your stuffs kay. trust me, you'll do fine. and, to answer your question on msn, not that i don't want to share it with you but i don't know how to. i know you are in a bad mood today. the way your text messages are, and the way you talk, it shock me. i don't know how to react to what you say and that was the reason why i take such a long time to reply your texts at times. suddenly, i lost the courage in consulting you in everything, and every problem i met with. probably due to what has happened yesterday, i have been spending the whole day today thinking, i don't think i should tell you things which may make you give in to me, or rather, think for me. i just want you to be happy, thats all i wished for... i love you ♥
Monday, January 11, 2010
Mum didn't iron my clothes -.- Should I skip socio lect to come back to iron, and continue my stuffs since I've got like lots of it undone? Ahhh I don't know ):
Lessons was alright today, at the very least I wasn't even on the verge on dozing off. Which is a good thing. How I wish I can be like this for every lesson; be it lecture or tutorial. Ok I'll try my very best to get sufficient sleep from now on - NO MORE LATE NIGHTS! (:
Compass for dinner; and saw Sufi Andre and Raenes. Lol. Back home kinda early, and managed to rush through micro and comm sk. (:
Ahhh so should I should I not? Shit. If I can't decide by the time I sleep I'll probably think over it tomorrow.
Mark: Lol also not spammers, they're my friends.
Lingna: See Mark's message? Remind your husband to update his blog luh! And well, husband doesn't mean married. Of course I know you're single, can only get married after 18 can! You can cohabitate what -.-
dearie its really great to see you just now, cause it signifies a great start of the week! and to add on to the greatness, i missed you so much that i hope i could see you, like right now, right this minute. and remember my dream kk! lets see if it will come true, three years later though. but well who knows right! (: alright hope to see you soon again! i love you ♥
,MELODY @ 11:24 PM
Lessons was alright today, at the very least I wasn't even on the verge on dozing off. Which is a good thing. How I wish I can be like this for every lesson; be it lecture or tutorial. Ok I'll try my very best to get sufficient sleep from now on - NO MORE LATE NIGHTS! (:
Compass for dinner; and saw Sufi Andre and Raenes. Lol. Back home kinda early, and managed to rush through micro and comm sk. (:
Ahhh so should I should I not? Shit. If I can't decide by the time I sleep I'll probably think over it tomorrow.
Mark: Lol also not spammers, they're my friends.
Lingna: See Mark's message? Remind your husband to update his blog luh! And well, husband doesn't mean married. Of course I know you're single, can only get married after 18 can! You can cohabitate what -.-
dearie its really great to see you just now, cause it signifies a great start of the week! and to add on to the greatness, i missed you so much that i hope i could see you, like right now, right this minute. and remember my dream kk! lets see if it will come true, three years later though. but well who knows right! (: alright hope to see you soon again! i love you ♥
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Back to blogging after six days (:
I think I should not have noon/evening naps anymore. Was studying micro last evening and I was too tired after sleeping for only six hours the previous night, so decided to napped. That was at 6.45pm. Wanted to wake up at 7plus to continue studying, but ended up I chose to continue sleeping. Woke up at 2.43am, had medication, but ended up vomiting -.- And only sleeping back aftr one hour.
But anyway, I woke up like 9.30am today. So yup, turning in early is good (: LOL.
And I doubt I've mentioned it here before. I've decided, or rather, promised myself not to spend on clothes this month due to the lack of cash. Which I think it is a smart decision, yet a dumb one! Since there are sales going on, especially with the CNY season nearing. And my heart ache per time when I walk by the malls, and especially so when I see the word "sale". Like ouch! ):
Went out with family, like finally. And mum have confirmed that they're going Malacca during CNY, leaving me not decided yet. Like aw, I don't know.
Anyway Happy Birthday Kelvin! (:
Lingna: He is yours! Stop denying.
Clement: LOL, like you know who we're talking about.
Mark: LOL I guess, one that is not updated though.
i'm missing you a lot a lot, like right now and always. thanks so much for the past week too, it has been great! hope to see you soon my dearest!
,MELODY @ 10:44 PM
I think I should not have noon/evening naps anymore. Was studying micro last evening and I was too tired after sleeping for only six hours the previous night, so decided to napped. That was at 6.45pm. Wanted to wake up at 7plus to continue studying, but ended up I chose to continue sleeping. Woke up at 2.43am, had medication, but ended up vomiting -.- And only sleeping back aftr one hour.
But anyway, I woke up like 9.30am today. So yup, turning in early is good (: LOL.
And I doubt I've mentioned it here before. I've decided, or rather, promised myself not to spend on clothes this month due to the lack of cash. Which I think it is a smart decision, yet a dumb one! Since there are sales going on, especially with the CNY season nearing. And my heart ache per time when I walk by the malls, and especially so when I see the word "sale". Like ouch! ):
Went out with family, like finally. And mum have confirmed that they're going Malacca during CNY, leaving me not decided yet. Like aw, I don't know.
Anyway Happy Birthday Kelvin! (:
Lingna: He is yours! Stop denying.
Clement: LOL, like you know who we're talking about.
Mark: LOL I guess, one that is not updated though.
i'm missing you a lot a lot, like right now and always. thanks so much for the past week too, it has been great! hope to see you soon my dearest!
Monday, January 4, 2010
No sch for five days consecutively already and went SK lib to do work. And I realised if I have to do work using com, there must be no internet connection. That is then productive. Ok I think I will switch off wireless if I'm at home while doing work on com, provided if I don't need the net for work. Yes I will do it.
Anyway I still enjoyed my five days "holiday" and I seriously love it. Might be going overseas during CNY and aww, my angpaos all gone ): Plusplus, CNY week is my study week. Which means exams would be the week right after CNY. How to collect angpaos/go on holiday in peace?
Xueshen: I'm not sure either, gotta let my teacher see first.
Nic: Sure! I'll tell her she saw her husband :P
dearie thanks so much for today! for accompanying me, letting me see you and of course, your super nice massage. and to add on to what i said just now, i really love the way you hug me when i lie in your arms. thank you! &love you!
,MELODY @ 11:03 PM
Anyway I still enjoyed my five days "holiday" and I seriously love it. Might be going overseas during CNY and aww, my angpaos all gone ): Plusplus, CNY week is my study week. Which means exams would be the week right after CNY. How to collect angpaos/go on holiday in peace?
Xueshen: I'm not sure either, gotta let my teacher see first.
Nic: Sure! I'll tell her she saw her husband :P
dearie thanks so much for today! for accompanying me, letting me see you and of course, your super nice massage. and to add on to what i said just now, i really love the way you hug me when i lie in your arms. thank you! &love you!
Sunday, January 3, 2010

See the little creature on top of my lappy?
And I seriously think I can never make a good wife in the future. Imagine me forgetting how to make a proper omelette! My goodness, its that bad after not cooking for a year plus.
Ok so my aim is my mum - someone who doesn't know how to cook but is successful in career (:
Alright I'm just crapping - too stress up from work.
Amanda: Happy 2010 too! Take care too! (:
dearie don't worry about me alright! i'll stay fine (: love you!
Friday, January 1, 2010
First post in the year 2010 (:
Happy New Year to all!
Stayed home the whole day; Sleep Eat and Do work. Thats all I suppose. LOL.
Have been feeling unwell today; diarrhoea improved, didn't have runs that many times, but had a very bad headache just now. Probably due to staring at lappy screen for long hours. And I just checked, no fever anyway. Flu still as bad, especially when it comes to night time ):
And I dislike it when I've got so many kinds of medication to take at one go. Seriously dislike it. I think half of me is make up of medication.
Should I take a break now and continue with work tomorrow? Or should I just bang on work? Aww.
Jasper: Happy New Year! Thank you! Its an additional member of my pooh family! (:
Racer: Yup true but I'm gonna keep by them this year. Happy New Year too!
dearie i wouldn't enjoy 2009 so much if i didn't met you. and thanks for that promise, you made me feel secured, once again. and to cut things short, i miss you... love you!
,MELODY @ 11:56 PM
Happy New Year to all!
Stayed home the whole day; Sleep Eat and Do work. Thats all I suppose. LOL.
Have been feeling unwell today; diarrhoea improved, didn't have runs that many times, but had a very bad headache just now. Probably due to staring at lappy screen for long hours. And I just checked, no fever anyway. Flu still as bad, especially when it comes to night time ):
And I dislike it when I've got so many kinds of medication to take at one go. Seriously dislike it. I think half of me is make up of medication.
Should I take a break now and continue with work tomorrow? Or should I just bang on work? Aww.
Jasper: Happy New Year! Thank you! Its an additional member of my pooh family! (:
Racer: Yup true but I'm gonna keep by them this year. Happy New Year too!
dearie i wouldn't enjoy 2009 so much if i didn't met you. and thanks for that promise, you made me feel secured, once again. and to cut things short, i miss you... love you!