Friday, April 23, 2010
Super lazy to blog cause sch started on the 19th; and I seriously dread school.
And suddenly, due to some reasons, I just feel like giving up.
I know it dumb and idiotic; stupid and moron,
but still, I just don't have the courage to continue it all of a sudden.
It was my only (: day on the 22nd, but it did not last long.
Indeed, meeting my darlings on 21st was great;
(: to see them, but ): for certain things.
What to do? Life's like this.
I can't complain isn't it? Can I mention a single shit?
All I can do is just shut up and listen.
SSM today and I'm dead, extremely tired.
And if this is what I got to go through, I seriously hate friday.
Not referring to SSM though.
,MELODY @ 10:44 PM
And suddenly, due to some reasons, I just feel like giving up.
I know it dumb and idiotic; stupid and moron,
but still, I just don't have the courage to continue it all of a sudden.
It was my only (: day on the 22nd, but it did not last long.
Indeed, meeting my darlings on 21st was great;
(: to see them, but ): for certain things.
What to do? Life's like this.
I can't complain isn't it? Can I mention a single shit?
All I can do is just shut up and listen.
SSM today and I'm dead, extremely tired.
And if this is what I got to go through, I seriously hate friday.
Not referring to SSM though.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Decided to take some time off to blog a lit before continuing with my reflective journal. I'm seriously a hardworking girl. Did my work in the noon and stopped myself from being distracted. I'm proud of that! :D

And I know people whom I want to warn may not read this, or probably will never read this but still, I want to mention it up here. NEVER EVER bully or even think of bullying my kids or rather, all my darlings in PHSS library. And I seriously mean business here. NEVER. They work like shit, going mad with all the matters ranging from small to big, and who do you think you are to give them your shitty comments? And if you are going to change MY rules in MY programme, TALK TO ME and not change them behind your EXCOs. Don't you ever dare to change MY things. And please pray hard that you will not see me. Or else, don't blame me for reprimanding you in front of all your seniors and juniors. And let me emphasise this, I value my darlings more than anything, anyone else. You better know where you stand!
p.s. my darlings refer to all my 2009/2010 EXCOs in library - Vinni, Angeline, JunWei, Sylvia, Jocelyn, Apple, Charmaine Tan and Charmaine Leow. (not in any order)
And to my darlings above mentioned, don't ever worry about anything that crop up alright? Remember Russell mentioned that I'm like the mother of library? I will and am always be. So if there's anything you are confused about, just remember that I will always be there for you, to be your consultant for free no matter what it is. Just feel free to come to me with regards to any problem if there's any.
I really feel sad for my darling who have just come across with that matter which just happened recently. However, what saddens me is not you not knowing how to fight for yourself but is that you didn't come to me when you met that problem. Its alright my dear, me, together with the EXCO and teachers, we all recognises your effort. Feel free to come to me alright? I will help you my dear.
Back to myself, sometimes I wonder if its right of me to just give up? I mean, if you can cope better with me giving up then yes, I will and I don't mind. This time round, I'm really being serious, I don't want to be your burden.
I will and am going to change, or rather, grow up.
dear like i told you as always and just now, i don't want to be your burden. you may say you forced me to grow, yes, probably thats the truth but still, i don't mind growing for the sake of you. like always, i am and will be willing to do whatever it takes to just make you happy. i have been trying my best to upgrade myself in terms of grades and whatever i can think of to make sure that i am able to catch up your pace. but anyway, i just want you to know that, no matter what you do, no matter how much quality time we have together, i always love you ♥
,MELODY @ 11:40 PM

And I know people whom I want to warn may not read this, or probably will never read this but still, I want to mention it up here. NEVER EVER bully or even think of bullying my kids or rather, all my darlings in PHSS library. And I seriously mean business here. NEVER. They work like shit, going mad with all the matters ranging from small to big, and who do you think you are to give them your shitty comments? And if you are going to change MY rules in MY programme, TALK TO ME and not change them behind your EXCOs. Don't you ever dare to change MY things. And please pray hard that you will not see me. Or else, don't blame me for reprimanding you in front of all your seniors and juniors. And let me emphasise this, I value my darlings more than anything, anyone else. You better know where you stand!
p.s. my darlings refer to all my 2009/2010 EXCOs in library - Vinni, Angeline, JunWei, Sylvia, Jocelyn, Apple, Charmaine Tan and Charmaine Leow. (not in any order)
And to my darlings above mentioned, don't ever worry about anything that crop up alright? Remember Russell mentioned that I'm like the mother of library? I will and am always be. So if there's anything you are confused about, just remember that I will always be there for you, to be your consultant for free no matter what it is. Just feel free to come to me with regards to any problem if there's any.
I really feel sad for my darling who have just come across with that matter which just happened recently. However, what saddens me is not you not knowing how to fight for yourself but is that you didn't come to me when you met that problem. Its alright my dear, me, together with the EXCO and teachers, we all recognises your effort. Feel free to come to me alright? I will help you my dear.
Back to myself, sometimes I wonder if its right of me to just give up? I mean, if you can cope better with me giving up then yes, I will and I don't mind. This time round, I'm really being serious, I don't want to be your burden.

dear like i told you as always and just now, i don't want to be your burden. you may say you forced me to grow, yes, probably thats the truth but still, i don't mind growing for the sake of you. like always, i am and will be willing to do whatever it takes to just make you happy. i have been trying my best to upgrade myself in terms of grades and whatever i can think of to make sure that i am able to catch up your pace. but anyway, i just want you to know that, no matter what you do, no matter how much quality time we have together, i always love you ♥
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Cupcakes from LingNa & SingYun. NICE RIGHTTTTTT~
I'm seriously touched, but I didn't cry, which they were expecting though. Love you girls to the max!!!! ♥♥♥
Went RWS and watched MY commercial for RuYi. Which is cool! I'm on TV, but RuYi's tv. But still :D:D:D
Will be going back to sch for orientation registration, early in the morning! Oh well. Will be getting timetable tomorrow anyway so yup.
Just remembered I've not completed my reflective journal! Ok shall do it tomorrow~
Vinni: Alright thanks dear!
Racer: I had this additional module I took last two weeks and yup, now waiting for sch to start.
Sortie: Hahahah somehow. But well, nothing to blog anyway.
WeiFeng: Thanks bro :D
dearie thanks for accompanying me around today. seriously enjoyed myself today after so long of not going out with you. and do take care of yourself during this period when i'm not seeing you kay. love you lots. and i miss you, i really do.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I see my blog posts getting shorter as time goes by! My god! Just too lazy to blog I suppose :P
Moving into Temasek Green again tomorrow morning, and will only be back on Saturday. So yup. Good and bad at the same time. Oh well. I'll bring pooh there anyway (: Pooh Pooh let's go for holiday again! (:
Alright. Should revise for tomorrow's test again. Bye :D
,MELODY @ 8:56 PM
Moving into Temasek Green again tomorrow morning, and will only be back on Saturday. So yup. Good and bad at the same time. Oh well. I'll bring pooh there anyway (: Pooh Pooh let's go for holiday again! (:
Alright. Should revise for tomorrow's test again. Bye :D
Friday, April 2, 2010
What's the point of coming home after living in the hostel after four days when you know everyone got their own plans and you will still be abandon and left alone? If given the choice, I think I would rather not come back if I know these gonna happen. But still, I know I OUGHT to understand, OUGHT to be understanding, and OUGHT to predict these gonna happen since it is not my first time being abandoned. I OUGHT to get used to it.
YES Melody Sim: You are once again abandoned and left alone, AGAIN. So please drill this into your head and never forget it. No point being afraid of being left alone. You HAVE BEEN alone and you know how "easy" it is to depend on yourself. Just shut up and wipe your tears. No one's gonna wipe it for you.
,MELODY @ 11:10 PM
YES Melody Sim: You are once again abandoned and left alone, AGAIN. So please drill this into your head and never forget it. No point being afraid of being left alone. You HAVE BEEN alone and you know how "easy" it is to depend on yourself. Just shut up and wipe your tears. No one's gonna wipe it for you.